Monday, October 6, 2014

Ocean Park Excursion

We are in the very fortunate position to offer our Year 4 students an excursion to
Ocean Park as part of our second UOI, Sharing the Planet.  Due to a cancelation
and a long waiting list, we were very lucky to be offered Friday 31st October at
9.30am. As a result, students will need to be in school by 8.15am.  We realise that this impacts on students who come to school on the late buses; it would be much appreciated if you could arrange an alternative mode of transport for this 1 off special event i.e. car pooling, MTR or other.
We are sorry for causing such an inconvenience; however we do feel that the children will gain so much from such a terrific experience.

There is a $100 fee for the trip which includes an interactive, educational experience with a dolphin, a seal or a panda!  Yearly passes for Ocean Park do not cover this excursion.  This is not a shopping trip so no extra money will be required.

Children will need to bring their own snacks and lunch so Deli Fresh will need to be cancelled for that day.  More detailed information to follow on the weekly update.

Please complete the permission slip below and return to class teachers as soon as possible.  Parent helpers will be selected on a first come, first serve basis and will be notified nearer to the time.

  1. Can I come to Ocean Park paying my own way, even if I am not a parent helper? 
           The short answer here is no.  The programs we are attending are very number specific.

     2.  Can I stay at Ocean Park with my child after the program?
            Again, the answer is no, sorry.  We will be leaving to school after the kids eat their lunch. 
            We will be back at school for the final sessions of the day.