Thursday, April 30, 2015

International Day

Thursday was BHS's International Day.  The children looked fantastic dressed in their traditional and colourful clothing.  With your help we have raised a staggering $29, 645.30 to send to Nepal via UNICEF.
Thank you for your amazing response.

School's Out!

School is closed until the 5th of May! Have a fab 4 days, be safe and we will see you next Tuesday.

Friday, April 24, 2015

Yr 6 Exhibition - Action Week

AS part of the exhibition this year the Year 6's are having an 'action'  week.  As part of this week there will be a charity bake sale on Tuesday 5th May.  Children are encouraged to bring in a maximum of $30 to purchase baked goods.

International Day

Thursday 30th April is International Day.

The children are invited to wear their National Costume on that day.  

Year 4 will be looking at the stained glass windows of Europe.  They will then make and design their own version inspired by such works of art.

Friday, April 17, 2015

Digital Media Unit

Our UOI this term is all about digital media.  What it is, how it is used, how to be safe when using it and our responsibilities when using it.  It is a paperless unit, designed to see both the positives and negatives of using digital media.
The teachers are using the 'Google Classroom' platform to set assignments.  I have added the link to the side menu so you can have a look.  The students have signed in using their Beacon email and password.
There are a few things that we ask when working on this unit.
  1. Please read the assignments.  There are some set that are only for the classroom.  These will clearly state not to do them at home.  As we have all the details about when and were the kids are submitting work we will delete anything that has been done at home.  In order to properly assess the kids we need to know we are marking their work.
  2. Be mindful that your child may ask you for access to your home computer.  Kids should never be left alone with a computer so have them work in a place that you can easily see what they are doing.
lady on computer  animations